
道奇论坛 >  美国酷威评测报告 - 3.6 AWD 综合油耗 11.5/13.5 - 19寸大脚路感略逊

发表于 2013-03-18 13:12    IP属地:上海

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美国酷威评测报告 - 3.6 AWD 综合油耗 11.5/13.5 - 19寸大脚路感略逊
测试的车型 只有 3.6L的AWD
In Consumer Guide testing, AWD models averaged 17.5 mpg in mostly city driving and 20.5 mpg with more highway use. Journey uses regular-grade gas, and the V6 can also run on E85 ethanol.
城市 17.5 mpg  = 13.5L/百公里(regular-grade gas 基本就是93号油)
高速 20.5mpg = 11.5L/百公里
可以用 E85乙醇汽油
Journey feels composed over small bumps, but the Crew and R/T models' 19-inch wheels make the ride feel somewhat harsh over larger pavement imperfections. The SXT's 17s do a better job of making the ride feel smoother.
Journey 可以克服小的颠簸,不过19寸的车轮在过大坑洼的铺装路面时路感有点崎岖,相对来说17寸车轮在这点上做的好很多
Journey's handling is not entirely car-like. We observe moderate body lean in fast corners, but the steering is responsive. AWD models have a standard performance suspension, though we don't think this setup does the handling too many favors.
Wind noise is well checked. Coarse-surface tire thrum is more of an issue, particularly on the Crew because of its 19-inch wheels. Some bump noise reverberates through the chassis when going over larger imperfections, but it's not annoying.
Journey’s base 2.4-liter 4-cylinder engine is an aging design that musters only 173 horsepower and a middling 166 pound-feet of torque. That’s really not enough for a two-ton SUV except in routine city/suburban driving without a sizeable load onboard. Moreover, the 4-cylinder teams only with an outmoded 4-speed automatic transmission that detracts from both performance and fuel economy.
Top-line Crew and R/T models play to sportier drivers with standard 19-inch wheels; the Crew adds a so-called performance suspension that’s also standard on AWD versions. Trouble is, neither of these upgrades does much for handling agility or enjoyment, but do make for a rather harsh ride on patchy or broken pavement. Buyers contemplating a Journey should thus try at least two of the available suspension/tire combinations before deciding on a specific model and options.
顶配的车型偏向运动调校,标配19寸轮胎,Crew 四驱AWD车型还标配了所谓的"性能悬挂"。麻烦是,这些升级没有给操控带来更多的敏捷或乐趣,反而让崎岖路面的路感更糟糕。买家们在买车前都要仔细考虑两种轮胎和悬挂组合在不同车型上带来的利弊
(注,意思是说 17寸搭配标准悬挂,路感不错但是发动机烂,19寸是性能悬挂,但是路感比较杂乱)
[ 本帖最后由 尔多 于 2013-3-18 13:13 编辑 ]

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发表于 2013-03-18 13:32    IP属地:上海

所以总结一下 基本上是说
3.6 AWD油耗
高速11-12 城市13-14
3.6 AWD+19寸 应该是国内的标配了

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