
福克斯论坛 >  大众BlueSport可能于2013年上市,预计售价3万美元

发表于 2009-07-11 22:25    IP属地:未知

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*****by ***** on Jun 5th 2009 at 2:28PM

Volkswagen Bluesport Concept - Click above for a high-res gallery

After getting an exclusive first drive of the *****, the lucky scribes from AutoWeek write of the machine as if it's headed for production. This is ***** coming from an unnamed VW insider which indicated that the program had been placed on hold due to the dire state of the global economy.
We hope AW's right about the BlueSport's production possibilities, especially after reading about how close to production-ready the roadster appears to be. If the German automaker does find a way to build the BlueSport, it will reportedly show up in in the States in 2013 starting for somewhere around $30,000, depending on the powerplant that VW decides to place behind the two occupants.
The turbocharged, direct-injected diesel mill currently in the concept, which VW says delivers nearly 42 miles per gallon in everyday driving, could very well be joined by at least one of VW's gasoline-burning units – possibly the 265-horsepower 2.0-liter installed in the ***** and Volkswagen's own ***** and *****. As always, we'll keep our eyes and ears open for more details as they become available.

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发表于 2009-07-11 22:45    IP属地:未知

“在独家试驾了大众BlueSport roadster后,来自AutoWeek的幸运编辑表示这款车好像要量产。这和之前的报道完全不一样,之前来自大众内部的匿名消息表示这个项目已经因为全球经济的萧条而搁置。 我们希望AutoWeek的编辑有关BlueSport的消息是可靠的,尤其是读到有关这辆车是多么的接近量产。
如果大众真的要制造BlueSport,那么这款车预计将会在2013年面世,售价30,000美元左右,具体要依据它所搭载的发动机。 涡轮增压,燃油直喷引擎是概念车所使用个,大众表示这款引擎可以达到5.6L/100km油耗。另外大众的265hp2.0L汽油引擎也适用于这款车型。这款引擎目前在奥迪S3,大众尚酷R和高尔夫R(参数|询价)上服役。还是老样子,大家密切关注我们的最新报道。”


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发表于 2009-07-11 22:48    IP属地:未知



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发表于 2009-07-11 22:49    IP属地:未知

     在2010款 Polo(参数|询价)的上市活动上,大众外联部经理Christian Haacke表示:我们考虑的更多的是Bluesport能不能赚钱,尤其是在经济危机环境下,我们对此做出了怀疑。这的确不算是个好消息,不过也是出于无奈。
     Christian Haack也同时表示,毕竟Bluesport这一双座概念车是大众酝酿已久的项目,所以还是希望等避过经济危机,Bluesport能有重见天日的一天。
     Bluesport并不只是一辆单纯的双座跑车,着重经济燃油性的提高同样是它的重点课题之一。动力系用由2.0L 4缸柴油引擎构成,最大功率180hp(134kW),扭力峰值352Nm,百公里加速6.2秒,而油耗仅为6.7L,的确是一辆经济的性能跑车。


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发表于 2009-07-11 22:51    IP属地:未知

an unnamed VW insider which indicated that the program had been placed on hold due to the dire state of the global economy.

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发表于 2009-07-11 22:54    IP属地:未知

In a new (and very brief) report, UK's Channel4 reports that a production version of Volkswagen's comely BlueSport concept has been delayed.
While details are slim, Channel4 says that a company insider came clean to journalists about the diesel roadster's demise at a recent Australian press event, and according to said source, the reason for the model's mothballing is that the company believes that the dire global economy won't support niche products like the BlueSport.
The report stops short of saying that the company has axed the program altogether, but presumably, if the BlueSport is delayed or dead, so are rumored versions from Audi and Seat. There is no word on when the model might get a second chance at life, so for now, the BlueSport faces an uncertain future.


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发表于 2009-07-11 23:04    IP属地:未知

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发表于 2009-07-11 23:06    IP属地:未知

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发表于 2009-07-11 23:08    IP属地:未知

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发表于 2009-07-11 23:13    IP属地:未知



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